Implications of continuous assessment through pedagogical practice rubrics

Implications of continuous assessment through pedagogical practice rubrics Empirical evidence and application of a multidimensional analysis

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Ruben Castillo Tabares
Jaime Hernandez Valencia
Omar Munevar Mesa
Monica Portilla Portilla

It is now evident that there is a need for teaching-learning practices that aim develop the skills that students need to adapt to the demands of society and the competitiveness of the labor market. This research project conducted an empirical study to identify pedagogical practices that are associated with continuous assessment using rubrics as instruments for assessing of competencies within the university context.  The evidence shows that there is a low evaluation quality and culture, few agreements regarding the reliability of the rubric, significant agreement on the effectiveness of the rubric for training purposes, and broad agreement regarding the feedback function, the need for teaching aids and policy support for the development  of the rubric.The findings of this empirical analysis provide the first applied research evidence of the need to design educational policies to unify the cri- teria for outlining and applying a competency assessment model that will strengthen higher education practices in Colombia.


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Biografía del autor/a / Ver

Ruben Castillo Tabares

Economista; Msc. Sociedad de la Información y el Conocimiento; Doctorante en Administración de Negocios

Jaime Hernandez Valencia

Licenciado en Ciencias  Sociales;  Maestrante  en Educación

Omar Munevar Mesa

Diseñador industrial;  Maestrante  en Educación y Tecnología

Monica Portilla Portilla

Licenciada en español y literatura; Esp. en administración educativa; Doctorante en Ciencias de la Educación

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