Problems associated with the comprehension of algebra in university students
Los problemas asociados a la comprensión del álgebra en estudiantes universitarios
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In these studies we present the adaptation and validation of a questionnaire to evaluate algebra comprehension amongst 258 Nicaraguan students that start their university career.Our results indicate that: the difficulty index lies between very easy and very difficult; the homogenity index for items varies between -0.08 and 0.62; experts evaluate that the questionnaire represents all categories of algebra content; the reliability found was 0.90;the factor analysis results in four comprehension levels to explain 70.65% of the variance found; the analysis of means shows significant differences; and, for all cases, students in Public Accounting and Auditing gain higher points when compared to other specializations.
We conclude that the adaptation and standardisation of this questionnaire about algebra comprehension allows us to visualize algebra problems, being part of a worldwide exchange with application in various contexts.
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