Integrating the ideas of Ivan Illich and Paulo Freire in Higher Education

Integración de las ideas de Ivan Illich y Paulo Freire en la Educación Superior Iván Ilich and Paulo Freire in Higher Education

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Julian Andres Hernandez Quintero

The integration of Ivan Illich's and Paulo Freire's ideas into higher education represents an opportunity to radically transform the educational approach towards a more humanistic and emancipatory model. Ivan Illich in his critique of the institutionalization of education argues that modern schools act more as instruments of social control than as spaces for genuine learning. Paulo Freire, on the other hand, promotes a liberating education through dialogue and conscientization, challenging the traditional "banking" model of education where knowledge is passively deposited into students. Implementing these ideas in higher education requires a curriculum redesign that allows for self-managed learning and the creation of collaborative learning networks. Freire's dialogical approach implies a change in the teacher-student relationship, promoting the co-creation of knowledge through dialogue and critical reflection. The relevance and contextualization of educational content is another crucial aspect, facilitated through community projects and local case studies that allow students to apply their knowledge in real situations. Participatory evaluation is another key component, fostering continuous and collaborative assessment. Criticism of these proposals points to challenges in their practical feasibility, preparation of students and educators, and availability of resources. Despite these challenges, the combination of Illich's and Freire's ideas offers an educational model that promotes autonomy, creativity, and critical consciousness, contributing to social transformation. Implementing this approach requires curricular flexibility, teacher training, participatory evaluation, and the use of technologies and community projects, creating an educational system that not only fosters individual development but also contributes to social transformation.


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Julian Andres Hernandez Quintero, Universidad Manuela Beltran

Lecturer at Manuela Beltrán University and researcher in the areas of epidemiology, bioethics, and exercise physiology. Emphasizing topics related to public health, sports, and non-communicable chronic diseases. Specialized in Epidemiology. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Bioethics.


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