A step towards inclusion

Un paso hacia la inclusión Exploring social skills through dance in people with disabilities from the Lions Dance group of Inder Medellín.

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César Augusto Cadavid Valderrama
Sebastián Barrientos Lezcano
Laura Andrea Vera Hoyos
Mariana Hernández Patiño

At present, various ways have been sought to break the paradigms of disability at all levels, it is for this reason that new inclusive forms are planned at the educational level, so that people who suffer from physical, cognitive or mental limitations can participate in a training exercise that develops their social skills. In this sense, the LIONS Dance group of the sport without limits program of Inder Medellín, currently carries out dance training processes with people with disabilities, emerging from there the need to address the possibilities of these strategies to promote socialization in the users and establishing as the general objective of this research to identify the pedagogical strategies that promote the social skills of people with disabilities from the Lions Dance group of the Deporte sin límites program of Inder Medellín 2023. In this way, the methodology was used qualitative with descriptive scope and the application of instruments such as the interview and two patchwork quilts named as Care quilt and Experience patchwork, through which it was possible to identify that there is a relationship between dance pedagogical strategies and the promotion of skills users, in areas such as verbal and non-verbal communication, empathy, improvement in listening skills, among other essential skills that allow users to maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships.


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Author Biographies / See

César Augusto Cadavid Valderrama, Secretaría de educación de Medellín. Politécnico Colombiano Jaime Isaza Cadavid, Medellin - Colombia

PhD student in educational sciences and Master's in educational sciences from the University of San Buenaventura, Medellín, and a graduate in basic education with an emphasis on physical education, recreation and sports from the Jaime Isaza Cadavid Colombian Polytechnic. I belong to the research group Comaefi (Learning Community in Physical Education) and I work as a professor in the Bachelor's program in physical education, recreation and sports at the Colombian Polytechnic Jaime Isaza Cadavid. I have obtained recognitions such as the Ser Mejor educational quality award from the Medellín education secretary and the Cecilia Lince Velásquez honorable mention given by the mayor of the city in 2020. My research interests revolve around education, bodies, cultural studies, contemporary languages, the role of the teacher and performance.

Sebastián Barrientos Lezcano, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO, Medellín - Colombia

Professor Minuto de Dios University Corporation – UNIMINUT. Psychologist and Master in Educational Psychology from the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana. Researcher in the area of ​​art psychology with experience in university teaching, popular training and management of educational, cultural and artistic projects. Oriented to incorporate artistic practices as mobilizing provocations in educational, psycho-pedagogical and social projects.

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