Características de una clase inclusiva en estudiantes con Síndrome de Asperger de una escuela primaria de Puebla, México

Características de una clase inclusiva en estudiantes con Síndrome de Asperger de una escuela primaria de Puebla, México

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Omar Alexis Elías Segura
Lizeth Cuaya Cuaya

In the educational environment there are different aspects and determinations that need to be addressed in human training, for this purpose the present investigation focused on the characteristics of an inclusive class where learning is promoted in students with Asperger's Syndrome, for this study the methodology that is produced a descriptive qualitative study, using an interview as an information collection tool, which was applied to teachers of an inclusive primary school who had an approach with students who present this disorder. According to the results obtained in the investigation, it was understood that within the characteristics of an inclusive class are the curricular adjustment, the understanding of the needs of the students who present the educational need and of the whole group in general, Since the strategies or techniques must be suitable for all students and work together with students with Asperger Syndrome, the role of the teacher is to be a guide and accompany all students without eliminating anyone.


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Author Biography / See

Lizeth Cuaya Cuaya, Universidad del Valle de Puebla - México

Licenciada en Pedagogía por la Universidad del Valle de Puebla, con experiencia en el nivel Básico, Medio Superior y Superior, principalmente en el área docente, orientación y tutorías, capacitación, alfabetización, desarrollo académico, y atención de necesidades educativas especiales.


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