Beyond Grades: Reflections on the Dependency on Grades as the Sole Approval Marker for Physiotherapy Students.

Más allá de las notas: Reflexiones sobre la dependencia a las notas como único marcador de aprobación de estudiantes de fisioterapia.

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julian andres hernandez quintero

Through a reflective study based on theoretical concepts of gray literature repositories and publications, a critical reflection was made about the excessive dependence on grades as an evaluation method in the field of physiotherapy. In order to conduct this research, an argumentative approach was applied, and a position based on the author's experience and expertise in the field of physiotherapy was adopted. The critical analysis of gray literature was carried out using search engines such as PubMed, Scielo, and Google Scholar. Being a qualitative study, the subjective aspect of the manuscript is informed not only by the concepts derived from the documentary review but also by ideas and theories based on experience. As a result, a critique is generated that encourages stakeholders in higher education in physiotherapy to analyze their evaluation methods and the consequences of an exaggerated reliance on grades as the sole marker for student approval.


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julian andres hernandez quintero, Universidad Manuela Beltrán, Bogotá - Colombia

Lecturer at Manuela Beltrán University and researcher in the fields of epidemiology and exercise physiology. With a focus on topics related to public health, sports, and non-communicable chronic diseases. Specialized in Epidemiology.


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